
May 31, 2012

Moheji - Day 42

I need more time!!!

Tthal - Day 34

This shit ain't lookin' right, yo.

Mature Adult - Day 42

/co/ enough for you?

Elaizy - Day 32

Pandaga - Day 42

This came out better than I expected

OP - Day 30

May 30, 2012

Autumn - Day 11

I'm still sick, I'm tired, it's so hot, etc. Therefore, lame sketches is all I can bring myself to do.

Pandaga - Day 41

Rogue were always my favorite, they also gave me the most nerd rage moment in pass 5 years I played it.

Tthal - Day 33

Progress when.

Elaizy - Day 31

MatureAdult - Day 41

Moheji - Day 41

May 29, 2012

May 28, 2012

Moheji - Day 39

Autumn - Day 9

I will make an attempt to make up for my hiatus with double the drawings. 
For now:
Some skinny man, and,


MatureAdult - Day 39

Praise the sun!

Elaizy - Day 29

Tthal - Day 31

First month!

Pandaga - Day 39

Then I realize whats wrong with my coloring, it all on the sketch.

May 27, 2012

Moheji - Day 38

Like a bagillion ways to do faces and I feel comfortable with none of them

MatureAdult - Day 38

Started copying at first, but decided to try and do it in my own, awesome art style.. so the eyes look nothing like Fujishima's work and I definitely could have done them better... but I'm a lazy piece of shit so who cares?

Elaizy - Day 28

Tthal - Day 30

Color blindness at its finest.

Pandaga - Day 38

Coloring is just way too hard, especially the eyes

May 26, 2012

Pandaga - Day 37

MatureAdult - Day 37

Elaizy - Day 27

Moheji - Day 37

Paint is not as much fun as Sai. Kinda old but I just woke up from a long drive to San Fran and I believe we will be out all day and my phone is dead.

Tthal - Day 29

>search for 'Gawain' in the archives

I want to believe.

May 25, 2012

MatureAdult - Day 36

Probably my laziest and most half-assed shit yet, but I forgot to draw and I dunno if I'll have the time later to do something better.

Tthal - Day 28

Elaizy - Day 26

Playing around with photoshop.

Pandaga - Day 36

Best girl? best girl

Moheji - Day 36

This is the no layers, no ctrl z allowed attempt I wanted to see how much different it was not working with layers.

May 24, 2012

Pandaga - Day 35

I was playing some games, then I realize what time it was.

Tthal - Day 27

Doodle copied from one of Burton's drawing I saw at his exhibition. It was really creepy, but I'm glad I was able to go.

MatureAdult - Day 35

Another quickie PoS (even when compared to my other stuff.)
Hopefully some time next week I'll start putting effort into this again.