
August 17, 2012

AlchemyBro - Day 10

Attempt at playing around with a shopfront photo and seeing what mileage transform, layermasking, multiplying layers, and more multiply layers can do.

Initially started with a sketch of a hillside town, nothing fancy, lots of blocking in. Grabbed an Asian storefront image, cropped out everything but the front side, the set the layer to Multiply. ctrl +J to repeatedly copy it, then lots and lots of Transform Tool abuse on all the copies, sticking them everywhere. The entire upper half is the same storefront, just repeatedly repeated. Used the Liquify filter on individual copies stretch edges with the Warp Brush (upper left brush in the Liquify window), then Rebuild Brush in the Liquify tools set to refine the areas that were too bulbous.

Stuck all those Multiply-layered transformed photos into a Folder. Played with the Folder's options until settling on Soft Light, since it made this sweet ghosting effect. Slapped a Layer Mask on the Folder (hot damn, didn't even know the option was allowed), filled the Layer Mask with black, then brushed white on the Layer Mask with a low-flow brush to control the amount of reveal I want for the stuff that was in the Folder.

Slapped a multiply layer above everything and local color picked (ctrl + left click) darks to pump up shadows. Then slapped a brownish Overlay layer set to 20% on the layer at the very very top.


  1. For some reason, it remind me of some background in Shadow of the colossus...

    1. Does have that feel, probably the yellowish coloring and general blockiness of it. Love the game, hopefully Last Guardian comes out soon.

  2. This reminds me of that one of Feng Zhu's vid where he took a photo and turned it into a city.

    1. lol didn't see that one, but was thinking about the one where he did the shuttles during launch, and also the one where he showed how to color inked drawings with the help of photos as colored texture to color pick from. Guy's a friggin awesome artist, really happy he still shares youtube knowledge even though he runs a school.
