
August 16, 2012

Tthal - Day 111

>Yeah boxes. It's easy, I can do that!
No I can't do that. It's hard.


  1. If you know CSS, when you wanna do implying, just add a div with implying as its ID before the text.
    ex: in your post, I changed your implying to this:
    div id="implying"
    >Yeah boxes. It's easy, I can do that!
    Unless you don't want the Yotsuba BG, then just do the color like how you had it I guess. Make sure it's in <>, (comments wouldn't let me add them to the code myself.)

    1. Oh alright. Thanks for the tips, I'll remember next time.

    2. You can also do the same for spoiler, if you want it to show the spoiler on hover (id="spoiler")
      and if you have any other ideas just tell Panda or myself and we can always add them to the blog's styles.
