
October 24, 2012

Pandaga - Day 188

I always enjoy Testu's drawing, so I thought, why not give it a try. Only tried to use the colors he used since they're always so soft and pretty, it came out ok-ok.


  1. Tetsu's stuff has ridiculously solid tonal foundation to work with, his colors might not work elegantly without that full shift from pure blacks to pure whites. The lights of his tones also pop since the rest of his image is grayed - none of the background is white unless its suggesting a light source, while the lot of his stuff has whites only on the spots of the figures he wants you to look at.

    I'm kinda in favor of the coloring direction you were going for with that galaxy picture and that girl squatting, the warm colored one had a really vibrant sense of life to it.

  2. Yeah, I see what you're saying, I think that's why mine didn't really pop out since its on a white background.

    Thanks, I try to abuse complimentary colors as possible, especially blue and orange since its the new hip and all, haha.
