
February 4, 2013

Moheji - Day 291

So ive never gotten this error before, good thing i suck at drawing and didnt lose some kind of hard work or something.  Anyone have any idea what is up with this error, I tried saving it all different kinds of places but cant figure out what caused it or how to get rid of it.


  1. Ah I get something like that sometimes ;__;
    I don't really know how to get rid of it, so I just make another canvas and paste all my layers on the new one, haha. SAI is getting full retard sometimes I guess?

    1. xD haha thanks, ill have to do that next time. I was to tired and am trying to study my school shit still. I just ended up copying all of the merged layers and pasting them into paint haha

  2. I've gotten that error once. I think it was mostly due to a memory leak.

    1. Interesting, ill have to be more careful. I probably just need a new rig altogether. :D

    2. Memory leaks are usually caused by the program, and never by the computer itself.
      It could be that another application was causing your RAM to get eaten, but if SiG and Tthal have both gotten the error with Sai it's likely a problem in the program's own code... which is inexcusable for a drawing program but understandable if you've ever worked with image processing code, which relies a whole shitload on pointers and arrays.

      As for me, I've only gotten this problem when the canvas was too large or the file would just be too big to save, it having too many layers/colors and being quite a large canvas.

  3. I get that all the time when I work on something for too long (actually, i can't tell what prompts this to happen for sure). It's a fault with Sai, so just save the file as .psd, then open it on Photoshop or something and save as in your image format .png/.jpg from there.
