
February 24, 2013

Xeno - Day 26

This xeno has been busy artschooling and shit. Today I finished one of the only exercises I'm proud of for my "Drawing I" course and I felt that I needed to share it with the world. I-it's not like I miss this blog or anything... It's a shame 365 days will be over pretty soon.


  1. Sweet shade variation, especially on the shadows on the dark tile at front. Solid use of black and line weight to the foreground objects, you got that pop out on the multi-part tube that looks like it's connected to the foreground sphere, really kepps the focus.

    What kind of paper are you using? And why not come back??

    1. I love that you were able to give a formal analysis that actually included a critique of my line weights. Good stuff. haha

      Also, I'm using 18x24 newsprint. Stuff's pretty cheap and isn't all that durable against an eraser, which is pretty fucking bad when all of my drawing assignments are done in charcoal, but it's what's required by the professor so whatever.

      I'd really like to come back to the blog, but art school and working have kept me pretty busy. By the time I finish most of my work for school, I'm pretty burned out for creative fuel.

    2. lol I've had my run with drawing classes, would take more if had the time. Hot damn, though, that's charcoal and newsprint? Getting that sort of curvature without tearing your paper with eraser takes focus and confidence in your lines and shades, really sweet work.

    3. I actually did rip the paper once. lol
