
September 30, 2012

Pandaga - Day 164

quick 10 mins stuff, idk

SiG - Day 46

Picture from Wikipedia.

Moheji - Day 164

Mature Adult - Day 164

Got bored partway through.

Tthal - Day 156

AlchemyBro - Day 54

September 29, 2012

Moheji - Day 163

Way to busy tomorrow sorry

Pandaga - Day 163

Watched Dredd and Looper today, pretty good movie. I just love time traveling movies.

SiG - Day 45

Mature Adult - Day 163

Tthal - Day 155

AlchemyBro - Day 53

Full size

September 28, 2012

Pandaga - Day 162

Not sure what I want to do with the forearm.

SiG - Day 44

Mature Adult - Day 162

I am sorry I ruined your perspective and face, Pit.

Tthal - Day 154


I can feel my burned out period ending soon, though.

Moheji - Day 162

today is move in day

AlchemyBro - Day 52

With any luck it'll be done by tomorrow.

September 27, 2012

Pandaga - Day 161

Kind of tired so just sketched out a concept idea I had in my mind.

Mature Adult - Day 161

>Working on stupid website all day
>Forget that I need to draw a picture too

Here, have a sugoi as shit edit. This is another character for the best VN ever.

Tthal - Day 153

The cutest do not steal.

Moheji - Day 161

moving tomorrow so no time for anything new just coloring

SiG - Day 43

AlchemyBro - Day 51

September 26, 2012

Mature Adult - Day 160

Tthal - Day 152

No time, no motivation, lost pressure sensitivity along the way, haha.

Moheji - Day 160

SiG - Day 42

Thank you Identifier, Gebbs, and Pokke! You guys made me feel better about myself as an artist! I'll keep on working on this and that other pic (but I gotta sleep too)!

Pandaga - Day 160

Finally done but now I'm stuck thinking which one looks better. Leaning towards right at the moment.

AlchemyBro - Day 50

September 25, 2012

Pandaga - Day 159

Another speedpaint, man I have to work on those colors.

SiG - Day X

Gestures from work from a few days ago.

Mature Adult - Day 159

You all ready for the sequel to the best fucking VN ever?

Moheji - Day 159

Tthal - Day 151

Tiring week.

SiG - Day 41

Wacom Bamboo. Top part 30 sec. Bottom part 1 minute to 10 minute poses (10 min. starting around the figure third from the right, bottom part). I dunno if I'm getting better or worse.

Update 1: Using Lovecastle's picture studies page and Tthal's advice. 30-1 min gestures.

(I could still really use your help guys...)

AlchemyBro - Day 49

September 24, 2012

Moheji - Day 158

no time to work on anything

Pandaga - Day 158

No motivation today ;_; need to finish breaking bad.

Mature Adult - Day 158

Tthal - Day 150

SiG - Day 41

After the whole livestream banner saving snafu I decided to keep pushing to finish this. Subsequent updates on this will be on the Straving Artists blog from now on.

AlchemyBro - Day 48

Was so proud of this then pltrgst posted and I was like aww man and now that I think about it what the crap is wrong with her cape all that inner stomach turmoil after eating that deer whole fraggin a. Fixing it before posing next waifu.

September 23, 2012

Moheji - Day 157

Started with purple stupid decision bleh