
February 27, 2013

Moheji - Day 314

after the not being able to save thing i kinda didnt care...goodnight

Moheji - Day 313

fuck this error

Pandaga - Day 314

All that inconsistency.

Mature Adult - Day 314

Tthal - Day 308

AlchemyBro - Day 204

SiG - Day 186

February 25, 2013

Moheji - Day 312

yeah no idea

Moheji - Day 311

I officially get to be a closed beta tester! 

Mature Adult - Day 312

oh my god what did I do to the proportions
lord almighty please help me

Pandaga - Day 312

Brrrr, went biking and drawing in the cold.

husbandofag - Day 23

I just wanted to draw some boob grabing tbh

AlchemyBro - Day 202

Tthal - Day 306

Remius - Day 25

Will sketching random household objects help me draw better buildings and rocks...?

Stay tuned for another episode!!!

SiG - Day 184

February 24, 2013

Pandaga - Day 311

Since Walking Dead resumed, been watching it together with my bro and brother. Today with chocolate marshmallow, delish!

husbandofag - Day 22

I marathoned the episodes that are out this weekend, christmas cake Saki is the best Saki.
I looked for doujins, I found only one though (and with loli Saki). ;_;
>a series with an attractive cast and a setting which begs for sex scenes between the characters
>make a doujin with random faceless guy raping the MC

Mature Adult - Day 311

god i fucking suck

Tthal - Day 305

AlchemyBro - Day 201

SiG - Day 183

Xeno - Day 26

This xeno has been busy artschooling and shit. Today I finished one of the only exercises I'm proud of for my "Drawing I" course and I felt that I needed to share it with the world. I-it's not like I miss this blog or anything... It's a shame 365 days will be over pretty soon.

February 23, 2013

Pandaga - Day 310

SiG - Day 182

Moheji - Day 310

Mature Adult - Day 310

Tthal - Day 304

Boing boing.

husbandofag - Day 21

Damn, /a/, stop suddenly making me imagine someone puts their big breasts on my head
Though in a breasts thread, I guess it was to be expected.

AlchemyBro - Day 200

February 22, 2013

SiG - Day 181

Moheji - Day 309

Moheji - Day 308

AlchemyBro - Day 199

Mature Adult - Day 309

i almost feel bad that i put 0 effort into this blog

husbandofag - Day 20

idk man it turned out to be a pretty neat show

Tthal - Day 303

Pandaga - Day 309

Have something less autistic.